
innovation, in genomics

innovagenome S.r.l. is the innovative start up entirely controlled by nico innovagroup S.r.l., dedicated to personalized genomics, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence (AI).

innovagenome S.r.l. offers innovative solutions for sequencing, analysis and digital storage of the whole genome (WGS) and of the whole exome (WES), for DNA analysis using global screening array (GSA) and virtual panels and for
genomics applied to infertility.

innovagenome S.r.l. develops and uses proprietary and highly advanced bioinformatics analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) tools for the processing and interpretation of genomic data, the preparation of complete and customized reports and the safe storage of the digital copy of the genome.

nico innovagroup S.r.l.
limited liability company with a single shareholder

start-up company established pursuant to art. 4 paragraph 10 bis D.L. 24 January 2015, n. 3
registered in the special section as an innovative start-up

P.IVA e C.F.: 04020680981
REA: BS 582111
Via Caleppe 6, 25125 Brescia, Italy 
© Copyright 2018 - 2023   All rights reserved   Last update: 13/12/2023   
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